
Canadian Frigate
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Author:  Giant Killer [ February 2nd, 2014, 11:43 pm ]
Post subject:  Canadian Frigate

I have been drawing SB style drawings for some time and finally have a drawing that I feel is a good start.

I have a couple of questions that I cannot find answers to in the SB drawing tutorials.

1-Is there a standard for when equipment and a ship's structure line up? The bottom of the movable part of the MASS Launchers and the top of the solid guardrails on my drawing line up, is using a very dark grey for the launcher acceptable or is the way I have drawn it correct?

2-I have tried to simulate, the best that I could, the Royal Canadian Navy's ship side grey, which is a mix a light grey, blue with a slight green tint. When using a "Non-standard" colour like this is there any standard for how dark or light the different shades and angled brakes in the hull/superstructure should be?

Any feedback or suggestions are appreciated?

[ img ]

Author:  heuhen [ February 2nd, 2014, 11:48 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Canadian Frigate

picture re-sized so difficult to see, but she looks like an frigate armed like an destroyer.

Author:  bezobrazov [ February 2nd, 2014, 11:55 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Canadian Frigate

Little too much Brandenburg-class...or Sachsen-class. Either way, the pennant number is a give-away.

Author:  Giant Killer [ February 3rd, 2014, 12:06 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Canadian Frigate

How do I prevent photobucket from resizing the image? Is their a better picture hosting site to use?

I did use the Blohm + Voss designs as inspiration but the pennant number is a coincidence, I didn't want to use anything that is in use by the RCN.

IMO the Blohm + Voss designs are the best application so far of multiple angles for radar signature reduction.

Author:  Trojan [ February 3rd, 2014, 12:55 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Canadian Frigate

I would use majhost personally if photobucket is giving u fits.
Looks like an awesome first start, though four CIWS is a bit much for a frigate, no more than two is more common, however there's nothing inherently wrong with using 4
Welcome to the bucket!

Author:  klagldsf [ February 4th, 2014, 5:22 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Canadian Frigate

At least in the immediate near-future, the Canadians are unlikely to get strike-length VLS because this is not in their mission requirement (because if nothing else to get a ship able to accommodate strike-length gets pricey). On the other hand they do have a requirement to try to build in Canadian shipyards if at all possible - while this hardly discludes European designs (they've actually selected a German design to replace the failed JSS) they'd probably still want to design indigenously if possible. That said, I do like the weapons and sensor fit, especially the Millennium Guns which have a lot of operational flexibility.

Author:  Jacky Tar [ February 11th, 2014, 3:15 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Canadian Frigate

Nicely done, if the opinion of a new member counts for anything :) I've been perusing the drawings on the site and I have to say this is probably the best approximation of our slightly barfulous-looking light grey-green (charmingly mislabeled as "shipside grey") I've yet seen. My own vote would be that the artists who've rendered current-era RCN ships might consider re-doing their drawings with these colours; certainly I'm going to unashamedly borrow it for my first go, when I get it done.

Thank you, also, for using the correct location for the national flag on the jackstaff and the ensign on the ensign staff!

My only quibble would be that the maple leaf on the side of the hangar should be red. A quick Google search for photos of Canada's current fleet will support this.

Author:  bezobrazov [ February 11th, 2014, 11:47 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Canadian Frigate

Well, that change was implemented only last year (2013), so for existing RCN-ships no change is necessary.

Author:  Jacky Tar [ February 11th, 2014, 4:07 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Canadian Frigate

bezobrazov wrote:
Well, that change was implemented only last year (2013), so for existing RCN-ships no change is necessary.
Good point; I should have noted that.

Author:  bezobrazov [ February 11th, 2014, 4:50 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Canadian Frigate

It is, however, a very good and valid point you made there, Jacky Tar, since I've been responsible for the refurbishing and redrawing of both the Tribals and the Towns. So, for any future upgrades that I may want to do, or someone wishes me to do, then that's really important info!

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