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Post subject: Kingdom of NormerrPosted: August 20th, 2015, 3:19 pm
Posts: 516
Joined: April 29th, 2015, 7:57 pm
Location: Germany
Hi all ;-)
So here I present you my second AU try... I hope this one is better than the first one but I think after some good input mainly from JSB I think it will be better this time.

Königreich Normerr

[ img ]

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General information
• name: Kingdom of Normeer (constitutional monarchy)
• anthem: “König und Land zum Dienste” (“For the kings and country’s duty”)
• capital: (Hansestadt) Heiligenburg (820.000)
• official language: German
• recognized language: English, Danish, Swedish, south-east area: Polish

• form of government: constitutional monarchy with one parliament and a prime minister (the King/ the Queen owns the executive power)
• several ministers for the different parts (economy, national security, foreign, interior, finance and more)

• area: about 45.000 km²
• population: about 5.900.000
• annual growth: 1.2% (0.9% per birth, 0.3% per immigration)
• density: 131 per km²
• currency: Nordmark nM/ M (0,8 per USD)
• export/import: 1/0,99954
• time zone: GMT + 1
• date formats: DD/MM/YYYY
• drives on the: right
• internet tld: .nm
• calling code: +025

• Normerr is a little archipelago. In the time of 1300 a monarchy was found with their economy in the sector of agriculture, fishing and forestry. Before there were several other monarchy’s but this one is the first which was “official” mentioned.
• A cooperation with the Hanseatic League and an organized trade with other surrounding countries and the hanseatic towns leads to a rising of wealth and prosperity of the Normerr at the beginning of 1400.
• In the time between 1500 and 1700 Normerr grows bigger and bigger. Some surrounding islands join the country others were captured. In this time the country evolves its strong naval forces we all know today. In the flowering time big parts of Denmark and the southern coastline of the Baltic Sea belong to this country.
• Around 1760 the mining industry grows. This was instigated by the industrialization and the new technologies coming from England. That doesn’t mean that there were no mining industry before but at this time it becomes important for Normerr’s economy.
• Around 1800 the Denmark war happens. The Denmark Kings establish a big army together with several partners. The surrounding countries support this war because they don’t want to have a too strong nation in the Baltic Sea. After this conflict Normerr moved out of Denmark territory.
• Around 1850 several riots were born due the political situation in France and the German empire. As a result the monarchy was formed into a constitutional monarchy with their own, modern constitution.
• After this the economic power rises. The whole infrastructure of Normerr was improved.
• Around 1870 several conflicts in Africa take place. In this time Normerr captured a colony from another country mainly for prestige reasons (little island on the west coast). This was possible because of the strong naval force and the good support of the armed forces.
• Around 1900 the naval forces were improved as a reaction of the rising of the British and German navy to stay more independent in an armed conflict or a sea blockade. Normerr never planned to challenge Germany or Great Britain but the government recognized that it’s important to have a strong navy.
• 1914: Normerr joins the first world war on the German side mainly because the good relationship to the German Empire since the 1880s. The military success on the eastern front comes quick. The Russian naval forces weren’t able to stop the high powered naval forces of the country and Germany.
• Between 1914 to 1918 smaller military operations, mainly of the naval forces and the air force support Germany.
• After the treaty of Brest-Listovsk in 1918 Normerr capitulates to the Western forces. This was mainly done because the war was nearly over and the military head of the German empire refused to change their tactics so both countries can fight efficient together.
• Normerr was not punished in the treaty of Versailles because it’s early capitulation. It only was punished with reparation repayments and the transfer of technology, mainly the naval one to GB. The western borders and parts of the eastern ones were moved back to their state of 1914. The country didn’t lose its colony because the British don’t considering the territory as important.
• After 1920 Normerr also has to fight with the financial crises. A big inflation like in other countries didn’t happen because the government have a very effective financial politic and a strong export orientated economy.
• 1926 first attempted putsch caused by the political putsches in Germany. As a result a kind of secret service was found. Its main task was to protect the state and the constitution against revolts.
• In 1934, after the political situation changed in Germany, the constitution was improved. Several mistakes were corrected and the parliament gets more power so the country gets more democratic.
• 1934-1939 the strength of the armed forces was improved and the army was modernized. This was necessary as a result of the German military power was rising and the country wants to stay safe, after the political situation in Germany becomes more extreme Normerr dissociate from Germany. However technology was transferred until the Second World War starts in 1939.
• Normerr stays innocent in world war two. However Germany occupied the territories of Normerr on the German/ Polish “mainland” and in 1944/45 several German submarines were attacked and destroyed/ captured after they did attack convoys of Normerr.
• 1945 the Second World War was over. The country was supported by the west allies. In the Versailles treaty the territories of 1939 which were captured by the Germans in 1940 were given back to Normerr.
• Until 1950 the American and British units stayed in the country.
• In 1953 the country’s colony was send into independence. However it received economic, financial and military support until the present days.
• In the cold war several incidents with soviet submarines happens but that only leads to diplomatic trouble but no armed conflict.

The “mainland” parts are shown in the form after 1945. There were several plebiscites but the inhabitants vote to stay under Normerrs control. This is no disadvantage for Sweden (since 1950), Germany and Poland (both since 1991) because this countries can reach the coastlines and use the harbors under better tax and customs duty conditions. So many big harbors of the “mainland” are run by Normerr and its neighbors.

Armed forces of Normerr

• Königliche Landstreitkräfte (his/ her majesty army): 20.000
• Königliche Seestreitkräfte (his/ her majesty navy): 12.000
• Königliche Luftwaffe (his/ her majesty airforce): 8.500
• Königliche Jäger (his her majesty special forces): about 1000 (no official number)
total: 41.500
• home guard: about 50.000
• police: königliche Gendarmerie (his/ her majesty gendarmerie): 50.000
• military police: Feldgendarmerie (his/ her majesty military gendarmerie): 1.500

Modern military operations
• 2003: 3rd Gulf War: Normerr was not fully involved but support NATO forces mainly with air support and logistical support
• 2006-2014: Afghanistan: Normerr was fully involved. Normerr provides a own military camp. Several accidents happen and about 65 soldiers and several cars and helicopters were killed in action. Normerr participate in training missions for the Afghanistan security forces until 2013.
• 2011: Normerr provides logistical support and air support in Libya.
• Since 2005: Normerr participates in several peacekeeping and training missions in Africa. Several operations together with the armed forces of the African countries against criminal organizations happen. This missions mainly provided by the military police and the Special Forces.



Assault rifles


Sniper rifles/ DMRs

Grenades/ Grenade Launchers


Last edited by Skyder2598 on September 2nd, 2015, 3:57 pm, edited 3 times in total.

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Post subject: Re: Kingdom of Normerr NavyPosted: August 20th, 2015, 3:23 pm
Posts: 516
Joined: April 29th, 2015, 7:57 pm
Location: Germany
Königliche Seestreitkräfte
• Königliche Seestreitkräfte (his/ her majesty navy): 12.000

• F-120 class (multi role); 3: helicopter capacity: 2

K-90 class (ASW); 2: helicopter capacity: 1
K-80 class (multi role); 3: helicopter capacity: 1

Fast attack crafts
• S-40 class (ASW); 5: helicopter capacity: none
• S-45 class (Patrol); 8: helicopter capacity: none

Coastal defense
• P-40 class (Offshore Patrol)
• P-20 class (Patrol/ Training); 5: helicopter capacity: none
• P-36 class (Patrol); 5(10): helicopter capacity: none

• FV-120 class (support); 2
• FV-65 class (support/ training); 3
• M-65 class (maintenance); 2
• M-70 class (maintenance); 3
• MLR class (mine warfare, also counter mine/ patrol); 15

• U-50 class (tactical/ hunter); 3:
• U-45 class (training);1
• U-35 class (hunter); 1(4)


The navy has no own air component. All helicopters and the MPAs are hold by the airforce but the Navy has full controll.

Last edited by Skyder2598 on August 21st, 2015, 6:54 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post subject: Re: Kingdom of Normerr Air ForcePosted: August 20th, 2015, 3:25 pm
Posts: 516
Joined: April 29th, 2015, 7:57 pm
Location: Germany
Königliche Luftwaffe
• Königliche Luftwaffe (his/ her majesty airforce): 8.500

[ img ]

Last edited by Skyder2598 on November 27th, 2016, 8:12 pm, edited 5 times in total.

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Post subject: Re: Kingdom of Normerr Army, Special Forces and Home SecuritPosted: August 20th, 2015, 3:30 pm
Posts: 516
Joined: April 29th, 2015, 7:57 pm
Location: Germany
Königliche Landstreitkräfte, Königliche Jäger, Heimatschutz
• Königliche Landstreitkräfte (his/ her majesty army): 20.000
• Königliche Jäger (his her majesty special forces): about 1000 (no official number)
• Heimatschutz (home guard): about 50.000

[ img ]

Last edited by Skyder2598 on October 21st, 2015, 6:30 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Post subject: Re: Kingdom of Normerr Police and Military PolicePosted: August 20th, 2015, 3:31 pm
Posts: 516
Joined: April 29th, 2015, 7:57 pm
Location: Germany
königliche Gendarmerie, Feldgendarmerie
• police: königliche Gendarmerie (his/ her majesty gendarmerie): 50.000
• military police: Feldgendarmerie (his/ her majesty military gendarmerie): 1.500

königliche Gendarmerie, Feldgendarmerie
[ img ]

Last edited by Skyder2598 on April 26th, 2016, 6:34 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Post subject: Re: Kingdom of NormerrPosted: August 21st, 2015, 2:14 pm
Posts: 646
Joined: August 18th, 2010, 9:18 am
Good start Skyder. Curious to see how this is going to evolve; especially those ships ;)

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Post subject: Re: Kingdom of NormerrPosted: August 21st, 2015, 6:38 pm
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Joined: November 1st, 2010, 2:17 pm
Location: Back in Italy...
This is going to be nice AU!!!

Welcome to my Kingdom!!!
( )

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Post subject: Re: Kingdom of NormerrPosted: August 21st, 2015, 6:50 pm
Posts: 516
Joined: April 29th, 2015, 7:57 pm
Location: Germany
@Sebu, GLACIESFIRE: thanks ;-)

So here are the first two ships...:
Normerr: corvette K-80class
[ img ]

This is the newest ship of the navy. It features stealth, a modern 76mm main gun and place for several missile types. The ship is mainly used for patrol missions.

Normerr: corvette K-90class
[ img ]

This corvette is mainly used for combat (ASW) missions as addition to the frigates. All K-90s are replaced by two K-80s until 2022.

And the last new think is a gun:
[ img ]

This gun is the CQB-version of the SG 2100 (Sturmgewehr= assault rifle).
The SG 2100 is the further stage of the SG 2000. It features a seperated upper reciver and RIS handguard for more flexibility.
Also a sand camo for lower IR signatures and a better camouflage is applied. The stock and the grip are made out of plastic.

*I don't know whether its a problem to post the guns here. If it is one I will post the guns in the AU gunbucket threat and just link them here.*
Hope you like them...;-)

best regards

~~Normerr~~FD stuff~~

Last edited by Skyder2598 on April 26th, 2016, 6:35 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post subject: Re: Kingdom of NormerrPosted: August 23rd, 2015, 2:42 pm
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Posts: 78
Joined: January 11th, 2015, 5:30 pm
Location: Barcelona
Hello Skyder2598, these are my thoughts...

about the flag: It seems “too modern” to me... More like one for newly founded rowing/yatch club than for a 14th century monarchy... ;) Considering where you are located, How about a more traditional “Nordic Cross Flag”??? . But this is totally personal...

About aircrafts:
Not sure about Army´s Alphajets usefulness, especially considering the very little number of them,, and I don´t see Army's need for an advanced trainer...I would swap them with Air Force's Tigers...

Since you are an archipielago, how about adding smaller twin STOL transports in the PZL M-28/C-212/DHC-6 class and/or bigger CN-235/C-295/C-27Js?? The gap between T-44s (in fact these are trainers... I would choose more common Beech 90s or Super King Air 200s variants) and C-160 is huge.

Yours A321s have overwing emergency exits “a la A320”, not real life´s A321 emergency doors...

In general terms, I see a relative modest navy vs a “superpower/expeditionary” type airforce, not in numbers, but in having very advanced capabilities and equipment, as:

_ The AS-160 gunship
_ a specially tasked Medevac A310... :shock: How about just fit palletized Medevac units into a standar transport when needed?
_ 2 Airborne Command A320s... :shock:
_ For the Elint/MPA/AEW I would choose a more modest (and cheaper) family as Embraers EMB-145SA/RS/MP, since your location don´t have many international airspace/waters to wander around...

Well, as I said earlier, these are just my thoughts...

Argentine Socialist Republic AU

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Post subject: Re: Kingdom of NormerrPosted: August 27th, 2015, 6:59 pm
Posts: 516
Joined: April 29th, 2015, 7:57 pm
Location: Germany
Hi Progress ;-) Thanks for the input...:

*the flag: I see the point but I will keep the flag because I like it ;-)

*army's Apha Jets: Yep, make sence so I removed them... what about giving one or two L-410 to the home security for logistical support... you have to think about that the air component of the home security also supports the military police on their training and foreigin missions so they will need air support (at least logistical, armed can be done by the airforce)...

*transport aircraft: I'm thinking too big right?! ;-) I fixed it by adding L-410 and C-27 transport planes, also I replaced the C-160 by C-130 for bigger transport tasks and support of other nations and reduced their number...

*A321: The A321 are equiped with the normal rescue windows to simplify maintenance.

*too strong airforce: Ok, I see the point ;-) Fixed some of the points: no gunship, no medevac (you are right A310MRTT can be fitted with MedEvac interior), airborne commands reduced to one

*A320 family to big/ expensive: Ok, but I will keep them because this is an AU nation and I realy like this planes :P


Hope this one is better now, after I finished it I will replace it in the original post ;-)

best regards

~~Normerr~~FD stuff~~

Last edited by Skyder2598 on September 17th, 2015, 5:36 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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