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Federal Republic of Denton
Bundesrepublik Denton
Flag of Denton.png
Motto Freedom and Prosperity
Anthem 'Unity under one star'
Capital St. Catherine
Largest City Lock Haven
Official language English
Demographics %
Government Federal presidential
constitutional republic
Prime Minister
Parliament Senate
National assembly
Formation Discovery by Salide 1521
Colonisation 1634
Independence 1833
Area Total 928,123 sqkm
Water sqkm
Population 2020 estimate 39,641,448
2015 census 39,122,774
Density /sqkm
Economy GDP (PPP) 2017 $ trillion
Per capita $68,840
HDI (2016)
Currency Denton Pund
Time zone UTC +6.5
Date format dd/MMM/yyyy (CE)
Drives on the Left
Internet TLD .di
Calling code +83

Denton, officially the Federal Republic of Denton, is a semi-presidential constitutional republic located on an island group in the South Indian ocean, about 700 kilometres southwest of Australia. It comprises 3 large islands covering an area more than 900,000 square kilometres and home to 31 million people. Its capital city is St. Catherine and the largest city is Lock Haven, with nearly 4 million people in the combined metro area.

Denton is a founding member of RAZDDA, the South Pacific Space Program, and the Oceanic Aerospace Consortium

Denton was created by Ethan Goin and is an integral part of the Salidan Altiverse and Austellus Hemisphaeria.


Discovery in 1521

Colonisation 1634

Independence in 1833

Main Article: South American Campaign


Denton's landmass is situated on a 1.4 million km2 continental fragment, the MacTomais Plateau, just south of the Diamantina Escarpment. It is believed to have been a section of Pangaea, between the Indian subcontinent and the Australian continent, before it split up.

The landscape of Denton is varied, but is generally flat, with rolling hills and several mountain ranges that help to create vastly different micro regions. The south and east region of Waotunui and the south of Otuhua is primarily a desert, receiving very little rainfall. The remainder of the islands, north of the mountain ranges, experience varying climates between warm mediterranean, oceanic, and cold semi-arid climates.



Main Article: Government of of Denton

Denton is a federal presidential constitutional republic.


Bicameral Legislature

Upper House: Senate - 43 members

Lower House: National Assembly - 213 members


The head of state is officially the Premier, who is responsible for foreign and defense policies, and elected by popular vote. The length of term for a Premier is 5 years with a maximum of 2 non-consecutive terms by vote. The Prime Minister is responsible for domestic and economic policies and appointed by the Premier. The Prime Minister and cabinet members must be approved by the National Assembly.

In case of resignation, removal, or death of the Premier, the Head of Senate is appointed as acting Premier.

Working with the Premier, there are 15 cabinet members , each representing a government department.

  • Minister of Foreign Affairs
  • Minister of National Defense
  • Attorney General
  • Minister of Agriculture
  • Minister of Culture and Heritage
  • Minister of Education and Research
  • Minister of Energy
  • Minister of Health
  • Minister of Human Resources and Social Development
  • Minister of Industry and Labor
  • Minister of the Interior
  • Minister of Justice
  • Minister of Territorial Affairs
  • Minister of Transport, Building, and Urban Development
  • Minister of the Treasury

States and Territories

Territorial Claims

Former Colonial Territories

Foreign Relations

Main Article: Foreign Relations of Denton

Armed Forces

Main Article: Denton Armed Forces

Denton boasts the 2nd largest military in the Indian Ocean area, with 175,000 active personnel and another 131,000 reserve (reserve and national guard).



Main Article: Transportation in Denton

Road Transport

Road Trains

Rail Transport

Major Common Carrier railways in Denton use 3 rail gauges, 1415mm, 990mm, and 600mm, all gauges derived from Salidan Railways.

The major rail companies in all three gauges were merged into one operating company, Denton Railways, a private joint-stock company, with the Federal Republic of Denton being its single shareholder.

High-Speed Rail

Denton Railways has developed an extensive network of high speed passenger services, using the existing infrastructure in railyards and stations, but building dedicated lines solely for operating at high speeds. The maximum operating speed for these dedicated lines is 360kmh, with a standard operating speed of 320kmh.

There are 5 high speed lines in Denton: Trainsets are either 14, 10, or 8 car articulated sets. There are power units at either end of the train, but all bogies are powered, giving good acceleration and stopping power. The top speed of the trainsets is 360kmh, although the track is constructed to accept speeds up to 400kmh.

Like many other high-speed systems around the world, the Denton high-speed lines have had no fatalities, although multiple serious injuries have occurred in two past derailments.











Sports and recreation


Denton Antarctic Survey