Ships of Far Eastern Imperial Navy 1920

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List of warships in service prior the 1920 revolution. (This is a work-in process, new ships will be included as I get them done.)

Capital ships


Destroyers (Эскадренные Торпедоносцы - Eskadrennyye Torpedonostsy)

ET 1917 g Shkval class destroyer

To 1915 g class torbedoboat (destroyer)

ET 1913 g Amurskiy Sudostroitelnyy Zavod Bizon class destroyer

ET 1913 g Dalzavod Kinzhal class destroyer

ET 1913 g Novaya Verf Brilliant class destroyer

ET 1910 g Oniks class destroyer

ET 1906 g class destroyer

ET 1904 g Akula class destroyer

ET 1899 g Albatros class destroyer

Gunboats (Канонерские лодки - Kanonerskiye lodki)

Koreets class gunboat

Khanka class gunboat

Baikal class gunboat

BKL 1909 g Amurets class class river monitor

RKL 1905 g Udil class class gunboat

Mine warfare vessels (Тральщики и Минные транспорты - Tral'shchiki i Minnyye transporty)

Tikhiy okean class minelayer

Tr 1918 g Maksimovka class minesweeper

Tr 1915 g Rakushka class minesweeper

Submarines (Подводные лодки - Podvodnyye lodki)

BPL 1917 g-class submarine

BPL 1911 g-class submarine

LPL 1911 g-class submarine

PL 1907 g-class submarine